Technical data sheets

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NSN Codes - Nato Stock Numbers

The NSN, Nato Stock Number, is a 13 digit code structured as 4 sets of numbers - a set of four, followed by a set of two then a set of followed by a set of four, like this:


The first four digits (1111 above) define the 'Federal Supply Class' - i.e. The Product.

The next two digits (22 above) define the country of origin.

The next seven digits (333-4444 above) are a unique number defining the exact size.

A real example is:

This is decoded as follows:

4710 = Pipe, tube, and rigid tubing - Including Culvert Pipes; Culvert Pipe Connector Bands; Metallic Pipes; Plastic Pipes; Tubes and Rigid Tubing and their assemblies.

99 = UK Manufacture
923-8641 = 0.25inch O/D x 0.049 inch Wall Thickness

NSN Codes for Tube to NES 780 Part 3 Issue 3

Cole and Swallow supplies tube to NES780 Part 3 Issue 3 in the following imperial sizes / NSN Codes.


Nominal O/D (inches) Wall Thickness (inches) NSN NSN
0.25 0.049 4710-99-923-8641 4710999238641
0.25 0.058 4710-99-522-4167 4710995224167
0.346 0.064 4710-99-571-2107 4710995712107
0.346 0.062 4710-99-571-2197 4710995712197
0.405 0.065 4710-99-923-8611 4710999238611
0.405 0.095 4710-99-923-8621 4710999238621
0.435 0.048 4710-99-751-3072 4710997513072
0.435 0.048 4710-99-558-7791 4710995587791
0.471 0.064 4710-99-571-2108 4710995712108
0.54 0.072 4710-99-923-8628 4710999238628
0.54 0.109 4710-99-923-8612 4710999238612
0.54 0.134 4710-99-923-8622 4710999238622
0.596 0.064 4710-99-571-2109 4710995712109
0.596 0.086 4710-99-571-2198 4710995712198
0.675 0.072 4710-99-923-8646 4710999238646
0.675 0.102 4710-99-923-8613 4710999238613
0.84 0.072 4710-99-923-8629 4710999238629
0.84 0.148 4710-99-923-8614 4710999238614
0.84 0.180 4710-99-923-8623 4710999238623
0.846 0.064 4710-99-571-2110 4710995712110
1.05 0.095 4710-99-923-8630 4710999238630
1.05 0.165 4710-99-923-8615 4710999238615
1.112 0.080 4710-99-923-7614 4710999237614
1.112 0.172 4710-99-571-2199 4710995712199
1.315 0.095 4710-99-923-8631 4710999238631
1.315 0.203 4710-99-923-8616 4710999238616
1.315 0.259 4710-99-923-8624 4710999238624
1.362 0.092 4710-99-923-7615 4710999237615
1.362 0.210 4710-99-571-2200 4710995712200
1.612 0.092 4710-99-923-7616 4710999237616
1.66 0.095 4710-99-923-8632 4710999238632
1.66 0.238 4710-99-923-8617 4710999238617
1.66 0.340 4710-99-923-8625 4710999238625
1.90 0.109 4710-99-923-8633 4710999238633
1.90 0.259 4710-99-923-8618 4710999238618
2.128 0.116 4710-99-923-7617 4710999237617
2.128 0.318 4710-99-521-0532 4710995210532
2.375 0.300 4710-99-923-8619 4710999238619
2.375 0.425 4710-99-923-8626 4710999238626
2.628 0.116 4710-99-923-7618 4710999237618
2.875 0.134 4710-99-923-8635 4710999238635
2.875 0.380 4710-99-923-8620 4710999238620
2.875 0.487 4710-99-923-8627 4710999238627
3.144 0.128 4710-99-923-7619 4710999237619
3.50 0.148 4710-99-923-8636 4710999238636
3.66 0.144 4710-99-923-7620 4710999237620
4.184 0.160 4710-99-923-7621 4710999237621
4.955 0.176 4710-99-923-7622 4710999237622
5.384 0.192 4710-99-923-7623 4710999237623

NSN Codes for Tube to NES 780 Part 3 Issue 3

Cole and Swallow supplies tube to NES780 Part 3 Issue 3 in the following metric sizes / NSN Codes.


Nominal O/D (mm) Wall Thickness (mm) NSN NSN
8.0 0.8 4710-99-125-9846 4710991259846
8.0 1.5 4710-99-529-1224 4710995291224
12.0 0.8 4710-99-925-2924 4710999252924
12.0 1.2 4710-99-304-5008 4710993045008
12.0 2.5 4710-99-529-1225 4710995291225
16.0 1.5 4710-99-660-9250 4710996609250
16.0 3.0 4710-99-529-1226 4710995291226
20.0 1.0 4710-99-087-1293 4710990871293
20.0 3.5 4710-99-529-1227 4710995291227
25.0 1.5 4710-99-891-7002 4710998917002
30.0 1.5 4710-99-316-1450 4710993161450
30.0 4.0 4710-99-529-1219 4710995291219
30.0 5.0 4710-99-529-1228 4710995291228
38.0 1.5 4710-99-225-5411 4710992255411
38.0 5.0 4710-99-529-1220 4710995291220
38.0 6.5 4710-99-529-1229 4710995291229
44.5 1.5 4710-99-701-8126 4710997018126
50.0 6.5 4710-99-529-1221 4710995291221
50.0 8.5 4710-99-529-1230 4710995291230
57.0 1.5 4710-99-616-7499 4710996167499
76.1 2.0 4710-99-439-0975 4710994390975
88.9 2.5 4710-99-852-8652 4710998528652
108.0 2.5 4710-99-577-6131 4710995776131

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Last updated Tuesday, September 10, 2013


This Data is indicative only and as such is not to be relied upon in place of the full specification. In particular, mechanical property requirements vary widely with temper, product and product dimensions. All information is based on our present knowledge and is given in good faith. No liability will be accepted by the Company in respect of any action taken by any third party in reliance thereon.

Please note that the 'Datasheet Update' date shown above is no guarantee of accuracy or whether the datasheet is up to date.

The information provided in this datasheet has been drawn from various recognised sources, including EN Standards, recognised industry references (printed & online) and manufacturers’ data. No guarantee is given that the information is from the latest issue of those sources or about the accuracy of those sources.

Material supplied by the Company may vary significantly from this data, but will conform to all relevant and applicable standards.

As the products detailed may be used for a wide variety of purposes and as the Company has no control over their use; the Company specifically excludes all conditions or warranties expressed or implied by statute or otherwise as to dimensions, properties and/or fitness for any particular purpose, whether expressed or implied.

Advice given by the Company to any third party is given for that party’s assistance only and without liability on the part of the Company. All transactions are subject to the Company’s current Conditions of Sale. The extent of the Company’s liabilities to any customer is clearly set out in those Conditions; a copy of which is available on request.